A logo of Lumia Coffee App

See how Lumia Coffee generated 70% increase in mobile conversion rates with Shopney!

Industry Food and Beverage
Platform Shopify
Region Kuwait
20% of abandoned carts recovered
70% higher mobile conversion rate
Top 100 rank among shopping apps


Lumia Coffee is a high-end coffee brand based in Kuwait that specializes in a range of coffee products, including whole beans, ground coffee, drip kits, Nespresso capsules, cold brew, and instant coffee. They focus on sourcing their coffee beans locally and roasting them specifically to enhance the aroma and flavor. Lumia Coffee aims to redefine the coffee experience from the preparation to the brewing process.

Woman lying down and putting her foot on a TV screen


Lumia Coffee had a successful website but struggled with mobile commerce due to low conversion rates on mobile devices, despite having high traffic. They noticed significant issues like high cart abandonment and lower engagement on their mobile website. This highlighted the need for an app to strengthen their mobile strategy and better engage the growing number of mobile shoppers while cultivating their local community.

Shopney addressed these challenges by developing a custom mobile app for Lumia Coffee. Their app delivers a seamless shopping experience consistent with their desktop and mobile sites. It includes a user-friendly interface, personalized product recommendations, in-app chat support, automated push notifications, and strategic marketing integrations. These features are designed to improve mobile conversions, increase customer loyalty, and enhance overall engagement.

Two mobile app images that shows some clothes with a video player image
Want to increase your conversion rate?


The trend of shopping on mobile devices is growing rapidly, with surveys showing that nearly 79% of consumers now shop online using their mobile devices. However, adapting to this shift has been difficult for many brands.

While eCommerce websites are being optimized to improve sales, the average conversion rate remains between 2-4%. This rate drops to 1-2% on mobile devices due to smaller screens.

Lumia Coffee, a premium coffee retailer, attracts significant traffic from both desktop and mobile devices due to its high-quality offerings in a niche market. While their desktop website meets industry conversion rates, their mobile conversions have been lower than their expectations.

To address this, Lumia Coffee looked into making mobile shopping easier for their customers and started planning to build a mobile app for their Shopify store.

Low conversion rates and lack of engagement

Recognizing the growing dominance of mobile apps in eCommerce, they aimed to broaden their customer reach with a top-notch mobile app to:

  • Create an owned sales channel with improved conversion rates
  • Provide a better and more personalized shopping experience for their customers
  • Enhance and streamline customer interactions with their brand
  • Increase loyalty and communication with customers to boost retention rates

Certain that a mobile app was crucial for reaching their goals, Lumia Coffee initially had concerns about finding the right mobile app builder to fulfill their needs. Their search led them to Shopney, known for its excellent user interface, comprehensive features, simplicity, and dedication to helping businesses grow. These qualities eliminated their concerns and convinced them that Shopney was the perfect choice for creating an outstanding mobile shopping experience.

From the very first moment of onboarding to the mobile app design and launch, Shopney was so smooth. But what strikes me the most about Shopney is its easy-to-use dashboard and UX.
Logo of Lumia Coffee App
Two women laughing together


To help Lumia Coffee boost its conversion rate and generate more sales, we assisted them in achieving their goal with a mobile app that smoothly aligns with their brand.

After the launch Lumia Coffee has actively promoted its mobile app across its website, social channels, and through email campaigns. By regularly refreshing UI content and images in the app, it maintains its appeal and encourages repeat visits. Additionally, they've introduced app-exclusive campaigns and offers, enhancing the app's attractiveness and improving customer retention and loyalty.

Building an on-brand mobile app

Lumia Coffee was able to sync their store data in real-time with our no-code mobile app builder instantly as they installed Shopney on their Shopify store. This provided the brand with immediate access to essential store elements such as product images, videos, descriptions, pricing, and more, all within our Design Editor.

We collaborated closely with Lumia Coffee to ensure the mobile app's design was consistent with their desktop and mobile sites, maintaining a unified branding approach for their customers. With our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor, equipped with features that help boost conversion, they easily designed and optimized key pages like the home page, product and collection pages, and checkout process to meet consumers' expectations.

home page of Shopigo on Mobile app vs mobile web app
product page of Shopigo on Mobile app vs mobile web app
collection page of Shopigo on Mobile app vs mobile web app
Displaying personalized product recommendations

Once Lumia Coffee's app was both visually appealing and fully functional, we decided to take it a step further. By displaying personalized product recommendations such as best-sellers, new arrivals, featured collections, and recently viewed items, we aimed to enhance the mobile shopping experience and help achieve:

  • Increased mobile app engagement
  • Higher customer retention
  • Enhanced product discovery
  • Increased Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Boosted sales and Lifetime Value (LTV)
checkout page of Shopigo on Mobile app vs mobile web app
Setting up conversion features

As we built and grew Lumia Coffee's app, we aimed to enhance it by enabling features that would improve conversion rates at every stage of the buyer's journey. This included the addition of key functionalities like personalized discounts, multi-language and multi-currency support, in-app chat, key integrations, and more. Right from the launch, our customer success team focused on establishing the primary elements essential for driving success for Lumia and maximizing satisfaction for their customers:

  • In-app chat - We implemented custom automation through our in-app chat feature to enhance the shopping experience for Lumia Coffee customers. This feature, integrated with Shopify Inbox, provided Lumia Coffee with a direct channel to interact with customers and offer immediate assistance with issues and product inquiries. It also allows the brand to draw customers toward checkout with personalized product suggestions and increase satisfaction by offering personalized discounts during one-on-one dialogues.
  • in-app chat page of Shopigo on Mobile app
  • Push notifications - To increase sales and reduce cart abandonment, we set up automated push notifications, which have been essential in enhancing engagement and visibility for Lumia Coffee. These notifications, particularly for abandoned carts, have helped recover many potential lost sales, boosting their revenue. Additionally, with back-in-stock notifications, customers are informed when products are available again, allowing them to make immediate purchases directly from the app, on the go.
  • example of push notifications from Shopigo
  • Integrations - Lumia Coffee focused on enabling seamless data exchange and effectively targeting relevant traffic and integrated its app with Google and Facebook. Utilizing insights from this data, they customized the app experience and improved their marketing strategies. As a store aiming to attract international customers, they also integrated with Shopney Multi-currency and Langify to localize their content within the app, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Results - The Shopney Effect

Lumia Coffee experienced immediate success following the launch of their mobile app, enhancing the mobile shopping experience for their customers and creating a community feel among their users. The app boasts a custom theme, a sleek and user-friendly interface, and top-notch performance, providing an engaging and personalized experience.

Key Takeaways
  • By the end of the first month, the app ranked among the top 100 shopping apps in Kuwait.
  • Achieved a significant increase of 70% on mobile conversion and 25% in overall conversion rates.
  • In 9 months, the app was downloaded +3K times and received +100K visits.
  • The average session duration within the app was 5min 43s.
  • Over the same period, +7K products were sold through the app, generating +$100K in revenue.
  • Thanks to automated push notifications for abandoned carts, they had an additional 3K visits, with a conversion rate of 20% from these notifications.
  • +450K searches were facilitated within the app.
Two mobile app images that shows some clothes with a video player image
Want to know how
Lumia Coffee did it?