Choose Shopney over Plobal for premium support and features at better prices!

Don't settle for less! With our experience from 3000+ Shopify stores, we offer more than just a mobile app; we provide the essential tools for success. Shopney delivers top-notch features and unmatched guidance to make your business thrive with the mobile app.

happy customer photo and 5-stars representing Shopney's rating in Shopify app store

Why Shopney outshines Plobal

Hello to Premium Experience

Greater feature set in all plans, at a better price
Rapid, high-quality support from a proactive team
Superior shopping experience with sleek, better UI

Goodbye to Frustration

Commissions that cut off from your revenue
Hours of waiting to get a reply from support team
Slow and glitchy app with an outdated design


Don’t limit your revenue with success fees

We prioritize your growth over commissions or success fees. Every cent of your revenue remains yours, offering you complete freedom to expand.

With Shopney, you're not just getting an app; you're securing a future where your Shopify store thrives, free from any financial barriers to your success.

graph showing increasing cost of Plobal due to commissions
happy customer photos and clock icon representing 5 mins response time of Shopney support team


Proactive support, available 24/7

Shopney goes beyond the usual customer support over live chat, zoom call and email to assist you in achieving success.

Our team of mobile migration experts works with you to turn your Shopify store into a mobile app, walking you step-by-step from pre-launch to post-purchase as you turn the app into a powerful sales channel.


Tailor-made designs for all industries

Knowing how crucial the design is in mobile commerce, we offer themes crafted to improve the user experience and optimize conversions.

You can transform your app with a theme that fits your niche and brand identity perfectly, and create a user interface both beautiful and profitable.

theme options of Shopney mobile app builder
the owner of Bella All Natural
The exceptional customer support at Shopney is what made me switch from another app builder. When anything was unclear, they would go above and beyond to help me understand. Setup was fast and easy, and the dashboard itself is easy to use. I'm more than happy I switched apps and the increase in my sales proves Shopney was the right choice.
the logo of Bella All Natural

Transform your app in just a week

Day 1 icon
Design and
rebuild your app
Day 5 icon
Launch your app
on app stores
Day 7 icon
Get first sale via
the new app


Keep your users, data, and customer insights intact

When migrating, there's no need to worry about losing your existing app users; you can migrate with your entire user base. Your app store presence including your reviews and download numbers will be preserved.

All customer data will be secured in compliance with GDPR, so there's no risk of losing any valuable customer information during the migration.

mobile app migration from Plobal Apps to Shopney
The top rated
mobile app builder for
Shopify and Shopify Plus Logos with 5-Star icon representing Shopney’s rating on Shopify App Store
The logo of Shopi Go, a Shopify Plus fashion store


revenue growth
over mobile


engagement time
compared to mobile


conversion rate
compared to mobile

Discover how Shopi Go boosts conversion rates and
sales with Shopney Mobile App!

Read the case study

Two mobile app images that shows some clothes with a video player image
See what we are all about in 55 seconds!


Powerful no-code mobile app builder

From the home page, product page, collections, cart to checkout and beyond, Shopney’s Design Editor gives you complete control over the customer experience you deliver.

As compared to Design Elements and Blocks by Plobal Apps, our Design Editor offers easier to use, drag and drop functions to design your app along with the ability to preview the changes.

User interface of a Shopney mobile app and QR code representing App-Preview feature of Shopney
Different UI's of apps built with Plobal and Shopney

Ready to switch from Plobal Apps to Shopney?

Get started with the best Shopify mobile app builder and Plobal Apps alternative today to enjoy:

  • Free migration and app set up
  • Better customization for app UI
  • 24/7 proactive customer support
  • 1:1 calls with mobile experts
  • Premium tools and guides for growth
  • No commissions, no revenue cap

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and migration.

Can I migrate my mobile app for my Shopify store from the existing builder to Shopney?
Yes! And it’s super easy and fast to migrate to Shopney.
Will I lose my existing app users when I migrate?
No, you can migrate with all your user base. None will be lost.
How long will it take to migrate to Shopney?
The migration to Shopney will be completed and your app will be live in less than 5 days.
Will I lose my app’s data (reviews, download number, etc.) during the migration?
No, your data and app store presence will be preserved.
Will I lose any customer data during the migration?
No, all customer data will be securely preserved in compliance with GDPR.
Will I pay any success fees or commissions?
No, Shopney does not charge any success fees or commissions.
What actions should I take prior to migrating to Shopney?
Before migrating to Shopney, ensure you have the necessary app credentials and owned developer accounts for Google and Apple. For more details, please contact our support.
How much does it cost to migrate to Shopify?
Switching to Shopney comes with no migration costs. You’ll just pay the standard rates, and we take care of the rest for free.
Learn why Shopify brands choose Shopney over Plobal
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checkout page of a mobile app
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