Back In Stock Integration
Send Emails & SMS to notify your customers when products are back in stock to avoid lost sales from sold-out products.
Get started with ShopneyBack in Stock is an app that helps you capture lost sales by allowing shoppers to sign up for restock notifications for out-of-stock items. It provides a quick setup, supports multiple languages, and enables notifications via email and SMS. The app offers customizable notification templates, insights into the most-wanted products, and email marketing integrations.
Using this integration in your Shopney mobile app will enable you to:
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Create personalized customer experiences across email, SMS, mobile push, and more with real-time data and AI-driven insights.
Advertise and drive app downloads on Facebook to increase your mobile store's visibility and user base.
Bring user behavior and user interaction data from the app into your Google Analytics platform to strategize your growth.
Leverage Shopify Inbox to enhance customer interactions and manage in-app communications with Shopney.
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