We give you the heart of a successful
retention strategy: your Shopney mobile app

From built-in features to integrated capabilities, your Shopney mobile app promises to become your brand's retention powerhouse — everything you need for increased brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

Start retaining more customers

Retain more with a Shopney mobile app!

We designed Shopney with features that turn your mobile app into the ultimate retention hub. While each feature stands strong on its own, but even more powerful when used together.

Streamlined shopping to keep them coming back

Make product discovery and checkout easier, faster, and better to encourage purchasing and repurchasing.

product detail page of a shopney mobile app and a happy customer

Push them to buy, buy again

Send targeted push notifications to customers’ home screens, delivering the right message at the right place to drive immediate action.

an example of segmented push notification sent via shopney mobile app

Growing your fan base, one tap at a time

Create incentives for users to revisit your app. Boost impulse shopping with app-exclusive campaigns and UI elements that evoke FOMO.

a website turned into an app, showing app-exclusive discounts and loyalty app logos like LoyaltyLion, Smile and Growave

Draw them in with personalization

Tailor shopping experiences to make customers feel valued and understood, boosting purchases and fostering stronger customer relationships.

example of personalized product recommendations sent through Shopney in-app chat

Create tailored experiences to captivate customers

Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by creating personalized shopping journeys.

example of personalized product recommendations sent through Shopney in-app chat and an image of happy customer
  • Incorporate personalized product recommendations in your app to capture attention.
  • Use behavioral segmentation in push notifications to tailor messages and maximize relevance.
  • Offer personalized discounts and recommendations through in-app chat to enhance satisfaction.

Build deeper relationships to form your community of lifelong fans

Build and nurture a community around your app with exclusive incentives to make customers feel valued.

  • Make loyalty programs and app exclusives visible at key points within your mobile app's design.
  • Allow users to easily redeem earned rewards within the app, and increase in-app purchases.
  • Give mobile app users early access to new products or sales to create a sense of exclusivity.
  • Offer discounts, products, and content accessible only through your mobile app to foster exclusivity.
a website turned into an app, showing app-exclusive discounts and loyalty app logos like LoyaltyLion, Smile and Growave
Turn one-time buyers into customers for life with your Shopney mobile app!
Book a demo
home page and product detail page examples of a shopney mobile app
CTA Circle

Make it better, faster, easier!

Create a seamless mobile shopping journey to make purchases simpler and repeatable.

product detail page of a shopney mobile app and a happy customer
  • Give easy access to order history within your app to simplify repurchasing.
  • Enable order tracking and insurance to build trust and reassure customers for repeat purchases.
  • Provide secure and fast checkout to strengthen customer trust and loyalty.
  • Enhance support with in-app chat for quicker, better assistance to boost customer satisfaction.

The push you need to complete your flywheel

Stay on your customers' minds and attract them to your app with Shopney's free, unlimited push notifications.

  • Alert customers about flash sales, app-exclusive campaigns, loyalty points, and more - right on their home screen.
  • Notify when their favorite items are back in stock to prompt reorders and recover lost sales.
  • Re-engage inactive users with interest based messages and offers with behavioral segmentation.
product detail page examples of a shopney mobile app, displaying various information about the product
Curious how you can achieve a remarkable growth with mobile app just like these brands?
Get a demo today!
a customer support representative and a happy customer after a demo